About Pitchcare

Our Story
Pitchcare was conceived by a Professional Groundsman to provide a FREE and independent website to pass on information in an educative way.
Pitchcare enrolled some of the top Groundsmen and Greenkeepers in the country to pass on their intellectual wealth of sports turf knowledge.
The information that we publish is designed to help everybody involved in grass care. We provide a complete and unique service so that members of the site can see and understand working operations, and also be able to purchase products, equipment and machinery from our online shop and through our industry partners at discount prices.
We help to raise the awareness and profile of our industry by showing practical solutions. Pitchcare involves many clubs and professionals in the provision of information and analysis of market innovations.
Our promise is that everybody enjoys a better understanding of grass care.
What We Do
Online Shop
The Pitchcare Online Shop boasts a vast range of products, with more added every week from top brands including ICL, Bayer, John Deere and many more.
Pitchcare offers an Online Magazine packed full (over 4500) of working diaries, interviews and advice from many of the country's top Groundsmen, Greenkeepers and specialists.
Job Finder
Whether you are searching for a new opportunity or have a vacancy to fill, our Jobs section attracts the largest online audience within the turfcare industry, with Google Analytics to prove it.
Pitchcare Weather provides you with up to the minute forecasts from over 220 locations around the UK, with in-depth information and accurate weather data.
Our daily remit at Pitchcare is to bring the latest news, new products and the hottest tips to the Industry.
But that's just the start. We provide a wide range of other services exclusively for our members, which include a Shop, Job Finder, Weather and more.
We have teamed up with some of the Industry's leading manufacturers in the Pitchcare Shop, providing around 3000 top quality products at the keenest prices. Orders can be placed at any time, day or night!
Membership is FREE and this entitles you to use the whole site and interact with others. Whether it is advice you require or a story you want to share, Pitchcare provides the Industry forum for discussion.
In partnership with TSP Media
We are proud to have TSP Media as our sales and advertising partner. As a dynamic B2B publisher, with industry titles including LAPU and LAPG to name but a few, the partnership enables increased focus on topical news and information, invigorating our digital journalism, whilst also providing additional opportunities for targeted advertising to market. Contact the team now for all your print and digital media queries on 01952 234000 or visit the TSP website.