Spraying Equipment
46 products
Showing 1 - 24 of 46 products
Pitchcare offer a range of spraying equipment for both professional chemical spraying and domestic garden spraying. Whether you are looking for a knapsack sprayer to apply weed killer on your home lawn or you are looking for a walk behind sprayer for your bowling green, we are guaranteed to have a product to suit your requirements.
For further advice or information regarding any of our spraying equipment you can speak to a technical sales adviser on 01902 440250.
Spraying Equipment
Using a knapsack sprayer offers the opportunity to correctly apply liquid fertilisers, pesticides, fungicides and bio-stimulants to help control weeds, diseases, pests and obtain strong healthy turf.
Included in our application equipment is a range of stem injection and weed wipes, popular and proven as a method of chemical application to control Japanese Knotweed and other problematic and difficult to target weeds.
Spraying materials as opposed to spreading them within a granular formulation greatly extends the range of active chemical controls available to use.