New cultivars and grass seed mixtures for golf courses introduced
A new seed mixture for golf greens and bowling greens called MM8 has been introduced into Limagrain UK's MM range of grass seed mixtures. Two new perennial ryegrass cultivars, Venice and Malibu, are also now included in the MM golf mixture range.
The new MM8 seed mixture is composed of 50% slender creeping red fescue and 50% chewings fescue, and so requires less fertiliser than conventional greens mixtures. The varieties selected have good disease resistance and drought tolerance, and produce a fine dense sward. MM8 is an excellent spring overseeding mix, and is also ideal for bowling greens.
This year the cultivar Malibu is included for the first time in MM22 and MM50 - mixtures for tees and fairways - and provides disease resistance and fineness of leaf. Malibu's high shoot density also contributes to the development of a sward which is dense and hard wearing.
The new perennial ryegrass cultivar Venice is being included in MM50, a 100% ryegrass blend. On the STRI's Turfgrass Seed 2009 new varieties table for close mown swards (Series L), Venice has a mean score of 7.7, equivalent to fourth place on the main table. Of particular note is its significantly superior resistance to red thread, and its fineness of leaf.
Limagrain UK's Matt Gresty explains: "These changes to the MM range give greenkeepers access to some of the very latest varieties and an increased selection of mixtures. In addition, the seed in all MM sports mixtures is treated with Headstart which enables a more rapid germination and contributes to successful establishment."
For more information on the MM range for golf courses, contact Limagrain UK (formerly Advanta Seeds) on 01522 861300.
Further information from Matt Gresty, Limagrain UK. Tel: 01522 861300. Mob: 07767 278335