AQUA-AID EU’s OARS and Aquifer Pellets combat the extraordinary dry conditions
The very unusual hot weather across the United Kingdom and Europe has been tackled by greenkeepers and groundsmen using Aqua-Aid EU's OARS and Aquifer pellets in tandem with the PROportioner application system.

In the last week of June alone hundreds of PROportioner applicators were sold to new users in Europe, delivering phenomenal results in extraordinary dry conditions.
Many greenkeepers will be experiencing localised dry spots (LDS) on their greens for the first time this year, due to the sweltering weather which triggers by a number of factors to cause excessive dryness. At a rootzone level, the waxy hydrophobic compounds that attach themselves to sand particles in the root zone will have done so and made these particles water repellent.
But with increasing pressure to facilitate more golf the use of the course has increased - especially during the summer - and when combined with the specifications of modern greens the issue of water repellency increases, with wetting agents commonly used to tackle this issue.
OARS (organic acid redistribution system) has been used with consistent success to deal with LDS. The pellets use a corrective approach to remove the build-up of organic acids that coat the surface of sand particles which cause water repellence and LDS conditions.
This product is commonly used together with Aquifer which provides hydration for a 30 to 45-day period, allowing water repellency to be managed while preventing LDS conditions. It provides uniform downward and lateral water movement in the top several inches of the root zone and doesn't need to be watered in after application.
Both pellets can be applied with the PROportioner system which is designed specifically for use on all types of turf. The convenient system doesn't use any chemical mixing and makes hand watering more effective and longer lasting.