Why GroundsFest?
We have been chatting to many of you recently following the announcement of GroundsFest. A new show to be held at Stoneleigh Park, Warwickshire on 20th and 21st September 2023.
Obviously, there are many opinions and speculation surrounding the new show and, in this candid interview, we speak to Chris and Charles from the GroundsFest team to answer your most asked questions including:
- What was the main driving force behind the new show?
- Have you approached both BIGGA and the GMA in relation to how you could work together and are you hoping that in time the show will indeed become 'the one show'?
- How will the Festival aspect of the show work?
And many more …
GroundsFest's main features include: outdoor demonstrations, indoor zones, live interactive stations, machinery workshops, educational seminars, wellbeing hub and the festival.
For more information visit www.groundsfest.com