Wessex tops the lot
If you own or use an ATV and you're looking for a quality topper but you're on a budget, the Wessex AT-110 neatly fits the bill. You get a topper specifically designed for ATV and UTV use, at a budget price and with the Wessex pedigree of over fifty years of British manufacturing.
Ideally suited to groundscare or agricultural use the toppers have long been a favourite of landscapers, private estate owners and smallholders. Part of the Wessex ATV range, the AT-110 has a 1.1m working width and the power source is a 12.5hp (9.32kW) Briggs & Stratton engine for reliability and easy maintenance.
This is coupled with a single blade bar and the cutting height range is between 60mm and 150mm approximately. The height adjustment is a simple operation and the drawbar allows you to position the topper either left, right or centrally behind the ATV.
For topping large grass areas and paddocks the AT-110 would certainly take some beating at the price. Wessex make these toppers in their own new purpose designed factory in the UK and the range is worth a look for the other ATV/UTV accessories including flail mowers, collectors, spreaders, equestrian paddock cleaners and trailers.