Trio of GKB machines create interest

On display were GKB's Combinator, the Rotobrush and the Quick Clean. The Combinator, now a well-known machine in the UK, is designed to combine fraise mowing and verticutting grass areas, typically sports turf, removing and loading the complete upper layer of unwanted turf. On uneven surfaces the Combinator fraise mower removes all irregularities for a perfectly level result. The cut material is loaded by conveyor belts to a trailer on the move.
A new machine, the Rotobrush RB120 is designed to rejuvenate and maintain sports field artificial turf and help keep it in top condition. Dirt collecting between the fibres encourages algae growth and reduces drainage, causing deterioration. The Rotobrush offers a quick and easy method of removing dirt in a single pass, with a closed deck to prevent loss of collected infill material, to bring a heavily compacted surface back to life.
Quick Clean is a threepoint CAT I/II PTO operated machine for quick and thorough cleaning of artificial turf, sweeping up leaves, branches and dirt in a single pass. It uses a depth adaptable brush and shaking screen system to deposit dirt into a waste bin. The screens are interchangeable to allow filtering of different grain sizes such as sand, rubber, cork and TPE.
GKB Operations Director Tom Shinkins said, "all three GKB machines generated a great deal of interest during the course of the show. 01778 348864.