Tracking sports turf grass health in the UK

Editorin Technical

FairWay Awards has been tracking sports turf grass health in the UK using remote satellite monitoring platform for the last 3 years.

2021 is the launch year for a new service for greenkeepers that will allow greenkeepers to monitor the health of their grass with regular weekly satellite updates.

Below are some short-term insights that might be of interest to greenkeepers and agronomists.

The long-term plan is to provide regular up dates on the emerging story around sports grass health in 2021.

Because this information is time limited it would probably suit publication on web platforms.

The plan behind this article is build awareness about the sports turf health today and get people to start thinking about where they will be in the near future. The focus being that grass health is constantly changing and cannot be assumed just because it looks green.

The concept is like Spring Watch but is called Grass Health Watch

For more information, benchmarking stats and chance to get a free trial of the technology go to

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