The Edwin Budding Award
The International Golf Course Equipment Managers Association (IGCEMA) is announcing the development of "The Edwin Budding Award". Over the past months the IGCEMA officers and Board have been working to find someone in the golf industry on the technician's side of things that has made a major contribution to our industry. After contacting all the Manufacturers and asking many industry leaders for names of these types of people, only one came to mind.
Edwin Budding was a pioneer who invented the reel mower in 1830, as well as the adjustable spanner/crescent wrench. Edwin was an engineer who thought "outside the box" and created something for our industry which to this day remains a constant. If we take the reel mower out of the equation, where would golf be today? Would we see low heights of cut? Can you imagine rotary greens mowers?
The IGCEMA's Edwin Budding Award recognizes those who have made significant contributions to the golf course equipment industry, including those who have excelled in the business, history, design, engineering and maintenance of golf course equipment. The award will be in addition to those known for their contributions to innovations in the turf equipment industry.
The award will recognize those who think outside the box and who have dedicated themselves to improving the industry and their facilities. The Edwin Budding award will be awarded to someone in the industry who meets the criteria as set forth by the Association and the Award Committee.
The Award Committee is made up of industry leaders and a member of the IGCEMA. Once nominations are sent in they will be submitted to the committee for review. We would encourage those who wish to nominate someone for this award to be very detailed in describing why you feel this individual should receive this award and what measurable attributes set this individual apart from their colleagues.
Nominations should be sent to You will receive a confirmation e-mail stating that we have received your nomination. The deadline for nominations will be December 1st and the winner will be presented the award at the Golf Industry Show on an annual basis. The IGCEMA board and officers would like to thank all of our members around the world for their support and dedication to the industry.
Committee Members:
Chair: David Withers - Managing Director Ransomes/Jacobsen
Carl Osterhaus - The Toro Company
Garry Carpenter - John Deere Golf and Turf
Stephen Bernhard - Bernhard and Company
Jim Letourneau - Foley United
Steve Spuhler - IGCEMA
For More Information Contact:
Stephen Tucker
941-330-7980 or
(877) 839-8362