Thank A Greenkeeper Day 2024 is coming

BIGGAin Association News

No matter where you play golf, greenkeepers play an essential role in delivering great conditions so that you can enjoy your time out on the course.

Get ready for Thank A Greenkeeper Day 2024 from BIGGA on Vimeo.

 From early mornings to late nights, course managers and head greenkeepers lead teams of professionals dedicated to ensuring their golf course is the best it can be.

But their role goes well beyond the playing surface and greenkeepers work every day to ensure the sustainability of golf for future generations, while improving communities through the enjoyment, growth and vitality of the game of golf.

Utilising the hashtags #ThankAGreenkeeper (in the UK) and #ThankASuper (elsewhere), this dedicated day of thanks is a social media movement seen by millions of people across the globe and has a real impact on the working lives of golf course professionals. Gestures of support boost morale, increase job satisfaction and foster a culture of mutual respect.

During Thank A Greenkeeper Day 2023, social media messages reached more than 14.7 million followers around the world, while broadcast media reached an additional 18 million people. In the UK alone there were more than 4,500 social media posts, an increase of nearly 30% over 2022.

But it's also about making a real difference to the golfing community. So if you can, ask what your golf club is doing to show the greenkeeping team how much you appreciate their hard work.

As we approach Thank A Greenkeeper Day on Tuesday 10 September 2024, BIGGA will be working alongside our colleagues at superintendents' and course managers' associations across the world to make the day a success, so keep an eye out for tips and ideas to make this year the best yet.

Thank A Greenkeeper Day happens just once a year, but it takes a year-round effort to keep golf courses playable and in top notch condition. 

Utilising the hashtags #ThankAGreenkeeper (in the UK) and #ThankASuper (elsewhere), this dedicated day of thanks is a social media movement seen by millions of people across the globe and has a real impact on the working lives of golf course professionals. Gestures of support boost morale, increase job satisfaction and foster a culture of mutual respect.



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Association newsGolf