STRI gain Investor In people award
By Penny Jordan-Morrisroe
Following an assessment in December, the STRI are pleased to announce that the organisation has been awarded the Investors in People Standard.
The formal assessment included a full review of planning processes and training and development systems. Very positive feedback highlighted details of good practice within the company across the entire range of Principles set by the IIP Standard.
The IIP Assessor praised the strong commitment to staff development and its policy of equal opportunities.
"People within the organisation feel that their contribution is recognised and that they are valued; during interviews I was told many times that people enjoyed working at the STRI"
The company was commended on their comprehensive Business Plan, which is subject to regular revisions and updates, and good relationships between the management and the Staff Association. Managers were generally identified as strong role models who had high standards of professional expertise, experience and qualifications.
Throughout their interviews staff paid tribute to the progressive and supportive style of management, reinforced two years ago with the arrival of a new Chief Executive, Dr Gordon McKillop; in particular they commended strong leadership coupled with open and constructive communications. This was also recognised in a number of new initiatives implemented at the same time and singled out by the Assessor as having lead to major improvements: the Training and Development Policy and Procedures; a Staff Induction Policy; and regular staff appraisals as part of an Annual Performance Management Policy.
Feedback from the assessment also offered recommendations and encouraged further development in some areas. These covered evaluation processes, including: the introduction of an annual Staff Satisfaction Survey to benchmark achievements; cost and analysis benefits for training activities; and continuing to encourage staff to develop their skills and broaden their expertise.
Gordon McKillop, the Chief Executive, praised all staff for their contributions and sustained commitment over the last few years in working towards achieving the IIP award. He also expressed his considerable gratitude to Linda Howell of Business Link for West Yorkshire for her guidance, support and encouragement throughout the entire process.
For further details contact:
Anne Wilson Head of External Affairs Tel: 01274 565131 Fax: 01274 561891 E-Mail: