Soil Harmony Business Bought by Management Team

Press Releasein Industry News

Mark AtkinsCharterhouse Turf Machinery are pleased to announce that their subsidiary company, Soil Harmony, has been the subject of a management buy-out led by the Technical Manager, Mark Atkins.

Mark's partners are Ian White of Whitehall Landscapes and Groundcare Ltd, a specialist Warwickshire based sports turf contactor, and Tim Summerfield a business specialist.

Commenting on his involvement, Ian White said, "At Whitehall Landscapes we have seen at first hand what the Soil Harmony products can do and believe passionately about the quality and potential of the range. We are pleased to be involved in taking on the business and already have helped to attract several high profile customers."

The business was founded as a division of Charterhouse Turf Machinery just over four years ago, to complement Charterhouse's range of sports turf maintenance equipment. Its initial focus was on improving grass sports surfaces with natural products. Nick Darking, Sales Manager at Charterhouse explained, "The two businesses have worked well together, however Mark has grown Soil Harmony into a number of new areas, including the domestic lawn and agriculture markets, where Charterhouse is not represented. It was for this reason that Mark's offer to lead a management buyout was accepted."

Charterhouse Turf Machinery Ltd., Weydown Industrial Estate,
Weydown Road, Haslemere, Surrey GU27 1DW UK
Tel: +44 (0)1428 661222 - Fax: +44 (0)1428 661218 -

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