Scotts brings turf solutions to Collier seminars
Scotts products played a significant role in a series of four 'Bowls Talk' seminars organised by Collier Turfcare for its bowling club customers. Presentations were given by two Scotts personnel; Mick Fance, on the use of Greenmaster Blade bio stimulant, and John Noyce, on how to get the best results from turf growth regulator Primo MAXX. They were also on hand to answer questions and help delegates with technical advice.
Collier's Director Mark Bowley commented: "We had an excellent series of seminars attended by nearly 200 delegates from over 80 bowling clubs. Our joint aim was to bring both of these exciting products to our bowls customers with their unique performance advantages, such as stimulating stronger, healthier great-looking turf with extra root development and a faster better-quality playing surface.
"Feedback from the customers who attended was very good and the overall response was that everyone came away with a very positive attitude, with both Greenmaster Blade and Primo MAXX being introduced into many of their programmes for 2007."
Photo: Scotts products played a significant part in Collier Turfcare's 'Bowls Talk' seminars.