Rolawn Minster Pro™ Turf at BTME 2008

Lorraine Willisin Golf

Minster Pro TurfRolawn returned to BTME to launch their new Minster Pro™ turf and the company claim it met with an enthusiastic response. The fine bladed fescue turf has been developed with sustainable turf management principles very much in mind, making it highly desirable for golf and bowling greens surfaces.

Minster Pro™ turf is typically sown as Chewings Fescue Carioca 25% and Musica 25% and Slender Creeping Red Fescue Cezanne 50% , the highest ranked cultivars as classified by 'Turfgrass Seed 2008,The buyers guide to quality amenity turfgrass', produced by the British Society of Plant Breeders Limited in conjunction with the STRI.

Rolawn also claim independent tests conducted by the STRI show that the selected cultivars are the most highly rated in close mown trials between 4 and 7mm, visual merit and year round colour. Grown on light sandy loam, it is compatible with sand based root zones.

Cedric McMillan, Rolawn's Sales and Marketing Director commented "The response at BTME confirmed our belief that Rolawn Minster Pro™ turf is the ultimate fine bladed 100% fescue turf as it utilises the most advanced cultivar technology to produce a deep rooting turf of outstanding appearance. It also meets the demands of today's golf and bowling green whilst meeting the requirements of sustainability through less reliance on irrigation systems and fertiliser. Other benefits include clean sward, lower maintenance, high shoot density, shade, drought and salt tolerance."

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