Reinvigorate greens with the Charterhouse Speedseed WB

Gregg Doggettin Industry News

IMG 0422Charterhouse's Speedseed is the market leading overseeder, rejuvenating fine turf effectively by placing seeds in slots made by a spiked roller, avoiding drill lines while offering superb germination rates. The first pedestrian Speedseed makes its BTME debut on stand B37.

Ideal for golf and bowling greens and other areas with restricted access, this is a useful tool for improving turf surfaces economically and efficiently, ensuring that purchasers get the most out of expensive grass seed.

The Speedseed WB (Walk Behind) has a working width of 60cm (23.6in), spreading seed into holes from 5-20mm deep at 30mm spacings created by the spiked roller. A rear mounted brush ensures that the seed is swept into the holes and produces a groomed finish.

Power is supplied by a 6.5hp Briggs and Stratton engine via a hydrostatic transmission giving an infinite range of forward and reverse speeds up to 7kph.

Seed from the 75 litre hopper can be metered at rates from 0-55g per square metre per 100m2, selected via a cam gauge and lever control.

Operating controls are mounted on the handlebars for easy use, and wide side wheels transfer the machine's weight when turning.

Pedestrian Speedseed"When times are tight, greenkeepers and groundsmen may focus on the major budget investments, but the Speedseed is definitely worth a look as overseeding small areas can make a significant difference to the quality of the turf, improving the playing surface for a relatively low cost," explains Charterhouse Turf Machinery's Nick Darking. "A healthy, reinvigorated sward is likely to resist disease and invasion by weed species more successfully, cutting maintenance costs in the future."

Hollow coring is a useful aeration technique, removing plugs of organic matter that can clog the soil profile, restricting drainage and grass growth, especially after a wet winter. Removal of cores promotes material exchange and prepares the surface for topdressing.

The Latest addition to Charterhouse's range of hollow coring machines is the Verti-Core 1600, a productive and low maintenance turf aerator. Its robust construction includes a sturdy crank to drive the tine arms while support arms for each tine head allow the Verti-Core to work in tough conditions. Core deflectors keep the cores away from the machine and windrow boards collect them into a narrow row for easy collection.

Working width is 1.6m and the Verti-Core 1600 can core to 100mm, with an output of up to 5760m2 at 11x11cm hole spacings.

Power requirement is 45hp with a 1000kg lifting capacity, making this the ideal model for a busy golf club, working its way through the greens with ease.

Nick Darking says: "As our new developments at BTME illustrate, the Charterhouse range is constantly evolving and expanding to offer machines that suit the needs of all greenkeepers and groundsmen, whether they are looking for a pedestrian unit to treat small areas economically and conveniently or a high capacity solution for the heaviest workloads."

Client contact -
Charterhouse Turf Machinery Ltd., Weydown Industrial Estate,
Weydown Road, Haslemere, Surrey GU27 1DW UK
Tel: +44 (0)1428 661222 - Fax: +44 (0)1428 661218 -

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