Rainfast Chipco Green ideal for winter use

John Hallin Industry News


Rainfast Chipco Green ideal for winter use

By John Hall

With traditional Autumn weather finally with us and winter on its way, Bayer Environmental Science is advising Groundsmen and greenkeepers to prepare to move to fungicides more suited to the wetter conditions as part of their year-round turf management.

The company recommends that Chipco Green, with its multi-site contact fungicidal properties and extreme rainfastness, for use in the winter months, with systemic fungicides Mildothane Turf Liquid or Capricorn applied in the growing seasons (rotating fungicides with different modes of action will significantly reduce the risk of developing resistance). The rainfastness of Chipco Green means there is no need for dew switching on turf for 2 weeks after application..

These combinations are ideal for year-round disease control in all sports turf, and particularly in the fine turf on golf course greens.

The recent (much needed) wetter weather has caused an increase in the occurrence of various fungi, much to the distress of Groundsmen and Greenkeepers alike. However, not all turf fungi are a nuisance.

Mycorrhizal fungi develop a mutually beneficial relationship with turf roots, for effective nutrient exchange and increased resistance to drought, insect pests and disease. As a result, turf associated with Mycorrhiza tends to be healthier and these fungi are unaffected by Chipco Green.

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