Pre-Registration opens for BTME 2015

BTMEin Industry News

Pre-registration is officially open for BTME 2015 - the turf management event of the year!

We're again offering all visitors the chance to beat the queues at the Harrogate International Centre. Just visit our dedicated website and click on the 'Register Now' tab. This site also contains a wealth of information on BTME 2015.

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Last year's show was a huge success with a grand total of 8,751 visitors attracted by the first-class Continue to Learn education programme and the exhibition -which again showed off a huge range of new products and industry innovations. These visitors came from across the UK, Europe and the rest of the world and included turf managers from many sports plus club owners, managers and other industry decision makers.

The 2015 Continue to Learn programme features numerous brand new presenters delivering diverse topics aimed at all greenkeepers, and all vital to further the education of greenkeepers at all levels from Assistant to Course Manager. We've taken on board the results from the Members' Choice survey to form the content.

The Turf Managers' Conference is again expected to be a highlight of the week, and one of the keynote speakers this year is Dr Brian Horgan from the University of Minnesota, who will be discussing the Minimum Levels for Sustainable Nutrition. He will be joined by Chris Tritabaugh, Golf Course Superintendent at Hazeltine National Golf Club and host of the 2016 Ryder Cup for 'The Art and Science of Golf Course Management'.

Other new presenters for the various seminars and workshops include best selling author and specialist in behavioural skills Liggy Webb whose seminar is entitled 'Resilience Through Change', and Sportsturf Consultant Noel MacKenzie who will be focusing on 'Changing the Grass Composition of your Greens.'

Continue to Learn runs between 18-21 January and includes the Turf Managers' Conference on 19 January, featuring first-class international speakers.

The exhibition is held between 20-22 January. There will be manufacturers, distributors, retailers, consultants and service providers exhibiting, and we're delighted to welcome several new companies as well as returning clients who all recognise how vital BTME is to their business.

Everyone at BIGGA is looking forward to sharing the BTME and Continue to Learn experience with you. Simply, a visit to BTME makes you a better turf manager.