Pitchcare Diaries - June 2018
Sports covered are bowls, cricket, rugby, football, golf and tennis.

Too much water will result in the drowning of beneficial microorganisms (and, of course, root detriment), but too little will mean wilting, photosynthesis reduction or more microorganism damage.We should have more of both sun and rain in June than the average, which should make for ideal turf-strengthening conditions. This will make the order of the month water management:
Find out how to best ensure proper water levels by clicking the link below.
Our diaries are here to offer some guidance on the work required during the coming month. They are not set in stone, and local conditions will determine the work schedule.
Don't forget, you can also use our Pitchcare Forum, where members can ask for and offer advice on the whole range of sports turf surfaces issues.
Click here for the diaries.