Penn CC reach for Biostimulants to Relieve Drought Stress

Steve Monkin Cricket

With prolonged heat and drought conditions causing challenges to turf managers up and down the country, Penn Cricket Club have reaped the rewards of using Maxwell HumiMax, Maxwell SeaAction Liquid Seaweed and Maxwell Bullet Soluble Iron on their square, maintaining a surface that is visually appealing and performs well for the cricketers.

Left: Before application. Right: After application

In a year where there has been snow in March and hose pipe bans enforced in July it has been a tough time for Groundsmen at amateur sports clubs to maintain the appearance of their surfaces. Penn Cricket Club's Head Groundsman, Tom Nutting, has put his knowledge and expertise to good use to beat the conditions and provide his club with a square to be proud of.

With a slope running left to right across the square at the club, they choose to use flat sheet covers as opposed to the regular mobile covers seen at most cricket clubs. These covers along with carefully managed applications of biostimulants have helped to provide these positive results.

Tom outlined how his usual programme of fertilisers wouldn't have been suitable to use due to the prolonged dry, hot weather. "I used the covers during the hot weather to create a micro climate and help to retain whatever moisture was in the surface. As well as watering I used Maxwell SeaAction Seaweed along Maxwell HumiMax to increase the uptake of nutrients that were applied. On top of this I applied Maxwell Bullet Soluble Iron to provide the lush green colour and combat stress caused by the lack of moisture."

To discuss a biostimulant programme for your surface, contact our Technical Sales team on 01902 440250 or email

SeaAction (View brochure here)

HumiMax (View brochure here)

Bullet Soluble Iron (View brochure here)