On-line podcasts to improve turf spray application
A series of innovative Art of Application podcasts, packed with practical tips and information, now give sprayer operators a quick and easy way to home their skills and improve the timeliness and accuracy of spray treatments.
Syngenta has launched a series of on-line Art of Application podcasts, to guide sprayer operators through the important elements of sprayer maintenance and accurate calibration. Syngenta Application Specialist, Tom Robinson, advocates a few minutes spent checking and setting up the sprayer will pay huge dividends in better results from more accurate application and avoiding potentially costly mistakes.
The podcasts can be downloaded free from the Syngenta turf website: www.greencast.co.uk in the Application Zone.
The initial podcasts are packed with practical tips and advice on key topics of routine machinery checks before spraying, how to calibrate the sprayer quickly and accurately - including the all important calculations to check water volume being applied - and issues of nozzle wear. Drawing on Tom Robinson's experience, they are focussed on picking up potential errors early, and providing advice to resolve the problems.
He believes the podcasts are essential viewing for all spray operators to remind about key points and hone their skills, but are also valuable for the whole turf management team, from head groundsman and green keeper to trainee, to understand the process and the importance of accurate application.
The Art of Application podcasts were filmed at Bearwood Lakes Golf Club in Berkshire, with thanks to Course Manager, Dan Lightfoot and sprayer operator, Leigh Powell.
Mr Robinson points out that nozzle wear can be a significant issue with turf applications, especially where high levels of abrasive trace element and some poorly formulated liquid fertiliser applications are applied.
Syngenta research with sprayer applicators on golf turf identified that individual nozzles are not routinely replaced, checked or calibrated for wear. He cites one worn nozzle applying 20% more than others could lead to striping across all the greens from over application of a liquid fertiliser, for example.
Syngenta Technical Manager, Dr Simon Watson, reports the company is investing in a number of key developments to improve spray application in turf. The aim is to target spray more accurately to achieve the best possible result with specific advice being developed for a range of situations.
"Syngenta research has identified significant potential improvements in turf application through specifically designed nozzles and lower water volumes, which we will be looking to further refine and bring to the market over the coming months."
With improved sprayer techniques and more accurate application one of the key routes to better stewardship and more effective use of pesticides in the future, Dr Watson will be presenting some of the Syngenta research and Art of Application information at the Amenity Forum Annual Conference 'Coping with change in Pesticide Legislation', taking place in Nottingham next month (4 November 2009).