Oaklands College Becomes a GTC Quality Assured Centre
The Greenkeepers Training Committee is pleased to welcome Oaklands College Hertfordshire onto its Quality Assured Scheme.
David Golding, GTC's Education Director, in announcing Oaklands College as a GTC Quality Assured Centre paid tribute to the dedication of Andrew (Andy) Wight and his turf team at the college, who for many years have achieved excellent completion rates, especially with sports turf apprenticeships.
David added, the greenkeeping apprenticeship scheme has proved very successful for both golf club employers and the apprentices since the introduction of formal work based training and qualifications, with Oaklands College very much committed to deliver quality courses to meet the standards within the apprenticeship framework.
Andy Wight, Pathway Manager Horticulture and Greenkeeping has been a member of the GTC's Technical Committee for a number of years firmly believes that quality education and training must be maintained to ensure any industry has the skilled workforce required to ensure that playing surfaces are to the highest standards possible.
Andy adds, "we have seen a tremendous improvement in playing surfaces across many sports in recent years and organisations like the GTC, BIGGA and IOG working closely with selected colleges like Oaklands must continue in close collaboration to bring through the next generation of Golf Course Managers and Head Groundsmen and women".
For more information on the courses and qualifications offered by Oaklands College visit www.oaklands.ac.uk or contact Andy Wight direct at:
andy.wight@oaklands.ac.uk or Tel: 01727 737735
For more information on the GTC's Quality Assured Scheme visit www.the-gtc.co.uk or
Tel: 01347 838640