Nutrovate improves soil conditions
Root zone modification and drainage improvements are being achieved where 'Nutrovate - Ecological Turfgrass System' - is being installed into sports turf surfaces.
Nutrovate is a high performance natural mineral possessing a Cation Exchange Capacity (C.E.C.) greater than 150 milliequivalents / 100
Nutrovate has a unique molecular structure of aluminium and silicate that is micro porous with an extensive internal surface area that is responsible for its high performance characteristics.
The effect of the enhanced CEC reduces the leaching of applied nutrients from a root zone. The leaching of Nitrate N in a pure sand root zone was reduced by over 200%, whilst Potassium leaching was reduced by over 400% along with other elements.
Nutrovate assimilates nutrients held (immobilised) on soil colloids and also by the affect that pH has on the availability soil nutrients. This moderation reduces nutrient deficiencies caused by high or low pH levels.
Improved efficiency of plant food utilisation and reduced leaching of nutrients optimises fertiliser material and application costs.
Cation exchange capacities are usually governed by the amount of fine clays and Organic matter content of a soil. The addition of Nutrovate improves the CEC, drainage / moisture retention and soil texture without increasing the organic matter content. A 10% inclusion rate added to a pure sand root zone increased the CEC by over 25%.
The natural ability of Nutrovate to improve aeration, drainage and moisture retention are well proven in sports root zones. The micro porous structure possesses a good air to water porosity ratio.
As the majority of sports surfaces are already constructed and 'in play' the incorporation of Nutrovate posed a problem that was overcome by the development of specialised equipment. The installation operation creates a micro-slit to varying depths, widths and spacing which is then backfilled with Nutrovate.
A sports pitch on average takes 2 days to treat with between 80 - 160 tonnes of product being incorporated into the root zone.
Incorporation of Nutrovate into a 500 sq. metre golf green takes approximately 90 minutes from start to finish, with the advantage that play can continue immediately.
Working to a depth that connects into existing drains improves infiltration rates; likewise, when a compacted surface is relieved and an open surface created movement of water and air is enhanced.
Additional benefits:
- ¨ Facilities remain 'in play' throughout all seasons
- ¨ Reduced maintenance costs
- ¨ Play can resume immediately following installation
- ¨ Elimination of dry patch and hydrophobic conditions.
- ¨ Reduced anaerobic soil conditions
- ¨ Improved aeration and drainage
- ¨ Moisture retention on light sandy soils
- ¨ Performs as a slow release mechanism for fertilisers.
Custom grades of Nutrovate are specifically formulated for each sports area as determined by the analysis of soil physical and chemical properties. At this stage other amendments can be added to further enhance the performance of root zone properties.
Nutrovate can also be installed in the top 50mm of gravel slits in drainage schemes and when used in a 3-tier drainage scheme, vastly improves soil conditions and drainage efficiency.
Nutrovate 'Organic Based Fertilisers' and 'Nutrovate Turf', a mature turf established on a nutrovate root zone are available to compliment the systems
"Nutrovate is a cost-effective investment for the soil, the environment and the future".
Contact: Mark Atkins, Blakedown Nutrovate, Tel: 01295 266600, Fax:01295 277700.
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