New Tennis Diary 2003

Editorin Tennis

Tennis Diary

Tennis is played as a summer sport, the season usually commencing from the end of May to September.

The closed season allows for an end of season renovation, hopefully while the good germination weather is still with us, and continues through the dormant winter period until the spring. If end of season renovation work hasn't been completed fully before the cold weather sets in, in the autumn, then don't panic, the spring usually allows enough time to make any repairs and get any new grasses established in time for the start of the season.

See our Useful Information section for tennis court markings.

Our monthly diary is not 'set in stone' and is purely designed as a guideline. There are variables involved that will ensure that no working template can be created, the weather, the site location, aspect, soil characteristics, finance available will help to determine your own working diary.

Please feel free to e-mail us on your helpful hints and tips for any months during the year.


This is usually a very quiet month. Given the recent wet weather and heavy frosts try to keep off the courts if possible. If the court is firm enough to walk on, then remove dew with a brush, drag mat, switch or length of rope. This operation will also help to disperse worm casts. Worm casts if left, will smear and bury grass when mowing and/or rolling at a later date.

By regular brushing the grass is left standing upright enabling it to breathe with the improved air circulation. The grass will also be free from moisture (that helps disease spores to spread).

Keep a check on any disease and spray accordingly if the milder weather helps it to become more prevalent, remember to use a contact fungicide at this time of the year.

The preparation for the forthcoming season will soon be upon us, so make sure that all the machinery is now serviced and ready for action. If the weather and soil conditions improve, then tip the grass with the mower at a height no lower than 12mm (half an inch) and maybe do a light aeration operation with a chisel or solid tine spiker.

Check surround fencing for damage and repair as necessary.

Useful hint: Start up any machines that have not been used for a while and let the engine tick over for a few minutes.

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