New Chafer grub control announced by Bayer

Nick Hardenin Industry News

Since this article was written, Bayer has released a chafer grub control called Merit Turf.

Bayer announce range of new products

By Nick Harden

Chafer grub control launch date announced

The long awaited launch of the new chafer grub control product for Bayer Environmental Science was confirmed at BTME 2005.

Although the name has not yet been announced, the product will be available at the start of the second quarter 2005 to tie in with the usual start of the problem, particularly for those golf courses built on sandy soil. The product is a granular formulation, making it more environmentally friendly than spraying applications and can be mixed with top dressings or sand to employ a preventative control programme.

For the past four years extensive trials, on golf courses and lawned areas throughout the UK and Europe, have repeatedly shown in excess of 90% control of this notorious turf pest followed by rapid green-up of affected areas.

The problem of primary chafer damage, and the secondary damage caused by rooks and badgers digging for the grubs, has been highlighted because of the extensive effect on amenity and sports turf. However, Bayer Environmental Science Marketing Manager, John Hall, says that residential lawns are also vulnerable and the company is looking to make the product available to the professional garden care market as well.

Your Contact: John Hall on 01992 784261

Chipco Green the only contact turf fungicide for curative control of Fusarium

Chipco Green, from Bayer Environmental Science, is the only approved contact turf fungicide on the market that has curative control for Fusarium. Since the launch of the new brand, Chipco Green has treated over 8,000 hectares; the equivalent of 8,000, 18-hole golf course greens.

The product has curative and preventative action against a range of turf diseases, with the added benefit of being extremely rainfast. Chipco Green is also the only contact turf fungicide on the market that, unlike any Chlorothalonil based brands, has approval for application via Knapsack sprayers.

Knapsack application is ideal for smaller areas and for those where the use of wheeled machinery is restricted or kept to a minimum, such as on golf greens.

Chipco Green is recommended for use as a partner for Mildothane Turf Liquid for all year-round disease control (as part of an Integrated Disease Management Strategy). By using both these fungicides, you are combining two actives, with two modes of action in a strategy to avoid possible fungicide resistance.

Your Contact: John Hall on 01992 784261

New total herbicide from Bayer Environmental Science

As those involved in turf management often also have responsibility for weed control on service areas such as pathways, gravel car parks and around storage and utility areas, a new totalBayer_Pistol-5L-Chip-3.jpg

BTME 2005 saw the launch, by Bayer Environmental Science, of a new residual total herbicide, called Pistol, for soft and gravel surfaces.

The non-selective, residual herbicide is designed for control of annual and perennial weeds on land not intended to bear vegetation and in amenity situations. The first of the actives in the formulation works via a unique 'barrier activity' which inhibits the germination of weeds coming up to the surface, giving longer lasting control. The second active controls weeds already at the surface.

The problem of 'run off' is removed with Pistol; the active difflufenican locks up in the soil, eliminating seepage and leeching into non-treated areas, which means that it is also safe around desirable plantings. This benefit, together with its low dose rate, makes Pistol more environmentally friendly where a total herbicide is required.

Bayer_How-It-Works.jpgThe product is easy to mix, has easy fluid-flow (water based solution) as it does not fall out of suspension and is non-hazardous. It is applied post-emergence of weeds, with the main period of control being from March through to September.

Pistol will be available in 5 litre packs, and can be applied via conventional hydraulic sprayers or knapsack sprayers.

This will be the first new residual total herbicide on the Amenity Marketplace for a number of years.

Your Contact: John Hall on 01992 784261

Herbicide safe even on very young turf


Nocweed, now has approval for use on amenity turf as young as the two or three-leaf stage, an important benefit to weed control in new or re-seeded areas.

The product, from Bayer Environmental Science, has a unique formulation that maximises the active ingredients' modes of action even on very young grass. The actives deliver both translocated and contact action, with effects visible after just fourteen days across a broad weed spectrum.

With no environmental warning symbols on the label, Nocweed is environmentally safe to use in sensitive areas.

At the recommended application rate, a 5-litre pack will treat a hectare.

Your Contact: John Hall on 01992 784261

Further details of new fungicide released

A brand new fungicide from Bayer Environmental Science is anticipated for the first quarter of 2005 (subject to approval).

The product, the name of which has not been released as yet, will be in Water Dispersible Granule (WDG) form and will have an ultra-low dosage application rate. This, together with its mode of action and new novel packaging, will make the product a major player in the Turf Fungicide market.

The company says that it will have a unique mode of action compared with its competitors and will have a broader spectrum of application.

Your Contact: John Hall on 01992 784261

New condensed version of Technical Manual (Product Guide)Bayer_Product-Guide.jpg

For those wanting a convenient reference guide to all the company's amenity products, but without the detailed specifications, Bayer Environmental Science has published a condensed version of its widely used Technical Manual.

The A4 size booklet has easy-referral, tabbed sections for each of the product groups: Selective Herbicides, Fungicides, Pest Control in Turf, Moss Control, Ornamental Herbicides, Total Herbicides, Woody Weeds Herbicides and Growth Regulators. Each product has a bullet pointed, quick-reference guide and the Herbicide Selection Table is still included.

Marketing Manager John Hall, explains the reason for the new condensed publication: "Following customer research, many Greenkeepers and Groundsmen indicated that they would really like a quick reference guide to our product range, with the more technical data available separately when they needed it (either via technical sheets or from the website). As all the technical data sheets are downloadable from our website, and the detailed guide to turf diseases and pests is available on our popular Wall Chart, this condensed version was designed to meet customers requirements for pure product information."

Copies of the new condensed Product Guide are available free of charge from: Bayer Environmental Science, Durkan House, 214-224 High Street, Waltham Cross, Hertfordshire EN8 7DP. Fax 01992 784276.

Bayer Environmental Science praise "18 Hole Competition"

Bayer Environmental Science was one of the key suppliers that took part in this year's BTME competition, organised by BIGGA.

Bayer Environmental Science Marketing Manger, John Hall, was full of praise for the organisers' promotion: "With such a comprehensive exhibition and seminar programme, spread over a number of Halls, it is important to ensure good traffic flow to all areas. This promotion helped encourage visitors to walk around the entire show giving even the smallest stands the opportunity to attract interest."

Called the "18 Hole Competition", all visitors to BTME 2005 received a scorecard with the stand numbers of 18 exhibitors, which they had to visit in order to have their card stamped.

Completed cards with all 18 stamps marked could be entered into the free draw for £1000 worth of holiday vouchers.

Your Contact: John Hall on 01992 784261

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