New Amenity Forum Website
The Amenity Forum has set up a new web site as a key part of its continuing programme to support the sector.
A key part of the site will be the library where users will be able to access technical information to follow 'Best Practice'. In addition the plan is to have links to member web sites.
Jon Allbutt, Chairman commented 'this development is of great importance to our sector particularly in view of the likely outcomes of the EU Directives and the UK National Pesticide Policy'
The Amenity Forum developed as a result of the amenity work in the Voluntary Initiative, the forum has twenty-five member organisations representing the sector and six Government observers.
The Amenity Forum is recognised as the lead 'consultative 'organisation for the amenity sector and is a member of the Implementation Group led by the Pesticides Safety Directorate for the Government's Amenity Action Plan.