Never on Sunday latest

Carol Duttonin Industry News

Never on Sunday News Flash

By Carol Dutton

We recently ran a news item on an epic journey by the Terrain Aeration team to the Western Isles.

Here is a brief update from Jim McArthur, (Senior Technician, technical services dept. Western Isles Council). He reports "no games missed" on Back football pitch Upper Coll, since Terrain Aeration's "Airforce" treatment, performed during the company's contract on the Isle of Lewis, last March.

"One day I went to inspect the pitch and it was chucking it down," says Jim. "By 2,00pm. it had stopped raining but water was puddling on the surface. I cut the grass two and a half hours before the six o clock game. Normally under those conditions it would take two days for the surface water to percolate down."

For further information on the deep aeration treatment available from Terrain Aeration, contact the company on Tel: 01449 673783 or e-mail

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