Merit Turf to be Withdrawn from the Market

Sophie Wilesmithin Industry News

Bayer CropScience has received a formal notification from CRD that its granular insecticide Merit® Turf (MAPP No 12415) is to be withdrawn from the market.

merit turf
Formal notification of the revocation has been published on the CRD website. During the re-approval process for the existing Merit® Turf authorisation the criteria for approval was changed resulting in the revocation of the existing approval. Bayer is working closely with CRD to collate and submit the appropriate data required to meet the revised authorization criteria.

As is usual in these circumstances, both the manufacturer and the distributor will have a six-month period in which to sell out stock of Merit Turf®. Following this, end users will have a further 12 months in which to use up these stocks.

On this basis, end users will be able to use the product until the end of the 2016 season, but the supply chain must have delivered all stocks of Merit® Turf to end users by 31st of October 2015. This will ensure that end users currently in a planned control programme will be able to purchase sufficient stock to continue their control programme in 2016.

Bayer are working hard to have Merit® Turf re-registered and available for the 2017 season.

To keep this valuable insecticide, Bayer need your support. They would like greenkeepers and turf managers to contact them and share their positive reports, as a result of using Merit® Turf.

To support their cause, please get in touch with Dr Colin Mumford at Bayer, to tell him about your experiences, via e-mail: or by phone: 01223 226638

For more information or to purchase see: Merit® Turf