Marksman – A Spray Pattern Indicator With A Difference.

It is well known that the effectiveness of herbicides such as glyphosate may be inhibited by the use of hard water. Dissolved minerals in hard water (Magnesium Carbonate and Calcium Carbonate) accumulate within herbicides and can render them inactive.
The water conditioning agents in Marksman build up on these minerals so they cannot interfere with the herbicides performance. Launched in 2004, customer feedback has been very good. "I have found Marksman to be a very useful tool when applying chemicals" says Simon Robertson, the main spray operator at East Herts Golf Club.
"It clearly shows where we have sprayed" he continues, "avoiding the risk of overlapping or missing target areas and whereas most spray pattern indicators will reveal any spray drift, Marksman actually prevents it. With it's water conditioning capabilities, I consider Marksman to be three products in one".
Simon has found Marksman's reduced staining formulation to be an added benefit, where other spray pattern indicators stain can be difficult to remove, Marksman can easily be washed off skin, clothes and machinery. Once sprayed, the cost effective temporary colourant will wash off in rainfall or irrigation and degrades in strong sunlight. It is available in a blue and green formulation and in 1 litre, 10 litre or 200 litre containers.
For further information, contact Sherriff Amenity on 01638 721888 or visit
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