July 2022 Pitch Diaries

Editorin General Interest

As we approach the halfway point of the year, we can hopefully afford ourselves a brief moment to look back at the past six months and reflect on the accomplishments and challenges we have overcome. Although June has provided some excellent warm weather, which has meant we have been able to enjoy being outdoors, it doesn't necessarily follow that it has been good for managing turf.


Needless to say, when you look back and review the role the weather has played in managing turf so far this year, it hasn't been easy. Evenings and mornings were cold right up to the end of May, which has affected growth, alongside the lack of rainfall we have experienced. The typical UK average rainfall for June is 77.2mm; up to writing this report, the current UK average was 34mm. Coming out of that low growth period in May, coupled with the reduced rainfall, has led to challenging conditions for turf managers. Looking back at last year's report, it was a similar story; when we reached the 25th June, the monthly average only just went above 10mm!

Looking ahead to July, there is little sign of what will now be, for many, much needed rainfall. Where rain is forecast, it doesn't appear it will be anything substantial enough to make a significant impact. Of course, where irrigation systems are in place, these can be deployed to reinstate the moisture that has been lost through the day, but where these are not available, managing drought conditions may become a major priority.

In this month's diaries we look at how water management is a key tool for maximising overall plant health, the importance of biostimulants, Anthracnose and the environmental factors controlling the disease development as well as advice on pests and the use of Acelepryn and leatherjacket control approval.

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Don't forget, you can also use our Pitchcare Forum, where members can ask for and offer advice on the whole range of sports turf surfaces issues.

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General interest