Internet hits newspaper sales
Internet hits newspaper sales
According to a recently published report 44% of 18-34 year old Americans click on to the internet for their news at least once per day. Only 19% refer to a printed newspaper.
These findings by one of America's most influential think tanks, the Carnegie Corporation, is forcing even the most powerful of media moguls to acknowledge that the era of printed newspaper as the main source of news has come to an end.
Rupet Murdoch, Chairman and CE of News Corporation, admitted such in a speech last month to the American Society of Newspaper Editors. He said there is a revolution occuring in the way young people access news - "they don't want to rely on the morning newspaper, they don't want to rely on a God-like figure from above telling them what's important, and they certainly don't want news presented as gospel."
"They want news on demand when it suits them, they want control over their media instead of being controlled by it, they want to question, to probe, to offer a different angle."
America's falling demand for newspapers is also mirrored over here in the UK. Sales of British tabloids have been on the decline for the past ten years. Figures have dropped by 2 million!
The fact is young people don't buy newspapers any more. The internet is where they get their news.