How To series - Setting height of cut on a cylinder mower
It is important to check your height of cut before use, not just to set the height when required to make sure you keep an even cut. This article explains how to set the height of cut on a pedestrian cylinder mower.
In our demonstration we are using a Ransomes Super Bowl 51. First, you will need a ruler, setting bar and correct size spanners for locking nuts and height adjusters. Have the machine tipped backwards and ensure it will not tip forward whilst you work on it. (Tip: Make sure the fuel tap is turned off before you tip machine back.)
Height of cut is determined by the gap between the base of the setting bar and the underside of the setting screw, meaning the threads of the screw are the length of the grass. Using the ruler up against the screw, set your height of cut by turning the setting screw up or down until you reach desired height (in this demonstration we set the height to 6mm). Once set, lock the base up so it doesn't move.

On this model we have a locking nut and height adjuster either side of the machine. Slacken off the locking nuts till they are loose.

Now, take the setting bar and rest the underside of the setting bolt up against the bottom blade. If the front roller is not touching the bar you will need to use the height adjusters to lower the roller onto the bar. If you are unable to rest the setting bolt on the bottom blade you will have to use the adjusters to lift the roller till the setting bolt rests on the bottom blade. This should be carried out on both sides of the machine.

Make sure the roller on both sides of the machine are just touching the setting bar; you may have to keep adjusting each side till both sides are at the correct height.

Last of all make sure the locking nuts are tightened back up. Your machine should now be set at the correct height.
There are other videos in the How to Series including:
Setting cylinder mower on cut
Pre-start checks for a ride-on mower
Pre-start checks on a pedestrian cylinder
Storing machines away for winter
Back-lap a pedestrian cylinder mower
The importance of using the correct sprinkler
Step by step guide to strip down a
Step by step guide to replacing a sprinkler
Basic maintenance on a solenoid valve