How can we build towards a more sustainable future for golf?

BIGGAin Golf

Across sport and society, COVID-19 has thrown up a variety of new and significant challenges. For golf, this has ranged from essential-only maintenance and closed clubhouses to cancelled tournaments and paused course developments.

Now, as people, businesses, industries and nations are getting back on their feet, there is an important conversation happening, about how to build back better - a more sustainable recovery. Surveys show anywhere from 60 to 90% of people don't want life to return to quite the way it was before - and as many are beginning to see, golf fits well as a part of society's drive for a greener and healthier future.

The GEO Foundation (in conjunction with BIGGA) want to hear from you about how what you've learnt throughout the COVID-19 crisis will Help Golf Build Back Better.

It would be great to add your perspectives and experiences and there are initially two ways you can get involved:

Send your opinions

To kick things off, please help us drive the conversation forward by sharing your views in a
quick opinion poll. The survey will take a maximum of 10 minutes to complete and there are very good reasons to join in:

  • Get your voice heard on the important sustainability issues
  • Play your part in informing the international strategy for sustainable golf in 2020 and beyond
  • Have the chance to enter a prize draw for sustainable golf merchandise from Ocean Tee

Join the conversation

A series of online events, exploring and sharing perspective and ideas on challenges and opportunities as we move toward recovery and beyond. Learn more and register for the first conversation now.

We hope this conversation provides some valuable insights and ideas and into how the industry is adapting and innovating currently, and how sustainable practices can help golf recover and build resilience.

Some example topics connected to sustainability and resilience that seem most likely to impact golf clubs in the near future include:

Efficiencies and naturalisation

  • Can essential maintenance become sustainable maintenance?
  • What maintenance changes can you hang on to once golfers return?
  • Are there elements of naturalisation or reduced input you can retain that will help focus resources on the priority surfaces, and that can be presented to golfers as enhancements to their golfing landscapes and playing experience?
  • How can these opportunities be positively communicated with golfers as part of making them feel good about being back out on their courses?
  • What are the cost savings that can be achieved?

Building community

  • How can you extend your relevance and offering out into the community - to new partnerships and customers?
  • Can you strengthen the promotion of your social purpose and value and can you create new opportunities for access amongst pay and play, part-time and new golfers?
  • Are there ways you can strengthen the sense of community focus and 'tribe' around your club?
  • What are the key messages communities want to hear and how can you best get them out?

View the original article here