Has to be seen to be believed!

Press Releasein Best of the Rest

Has to be seen to be believed!

Press Release

After many years of breeding investment, you can now witness an exciting breakthrough with your own eyes. Tiny fine leaved clovers, known as microclovers, are available in mixtures for many different applications. Microclover "spoon feeds" the grass with Nitrogen making the turf healthy and vigorous. The healthy and dense growth of clover and grass together crowds out weeds and prevents new ones establishing.

It is very hard to think of a more environmentally friendly product with such benefits! Because there is less need for fertiliser and irrigation and no spraying of fungicides, this is a low maintenance, low cost solution.

What's more, microclover has been bred to stay green all year round. The healthy growth of the accompanying grasses contributes to the overall attractive green colour which remains throughout the year, even during the winter.

No other white clover types tolerate mowing like microclover does. This is linked to the unique dense structure of microclover stolons, therefore even the cutting height can be "micro".

"Microclover can more than likely decrease Nitrogen input on turf grass areas. Generally turf stays greener in dry periods during the summertime, therefore the need for irrigation may be reduced," quotes Soren Ugilt Larsen, Agronomist at The Danish Forest & Landscape Research Institute.

Microclover mixtures are available from DLF Trifolium Ltd. Please contact 01386 791102

Camera Friendly Mixtures from Johnsons appear on the Cat Walk

New formulations for Johnsons include Wembley Shade and Wembley Way. The latter is the number one Sports Turf Renovation Mixture available and therefore ideal for high profile pitches that need to be "camera friendly". After many years of research, new cultivars have been carefully blended to produce a turf with excellent colour, disease resistance and cleanness of cut, giving the visual merit necessary for today's multi media world.

Wembley Shade includes True Putt, Poa Reptans, proven under technical and field trials, to be the only suitable species to compete with Perennial Ryegrass under heavy shade and football type wear. When combined with top rated cultivars including Bizet and Verdi, they produce a sward of exceptional wear tolerance and density, ideal for today's super stadiums.

Another exciting development available is unique primed Limousine Smooth Stalked Meadow Grass, ensuring rapid establishment and persistence even in Ryegrass swards. The use of primed Limousine also extends the sowing season at both ends of the temperature scale. Improvements in turf quality are quite spectacular.

Visit Stand A18 to see the new range of new formulations for 2006, hear about new initiatives that will be most beneficial to your next year's season and pick up a 2006 catalogue.

The full range of Grass and Wild Flower Seed Mixtures is available from DLF Trifolium Ltd:

Dramatic results from research at STRI - commissioned by DLF Trifolium Ltd

The final report of trials carried out at The Sports Turf Research Institute, Bingley shows that increasing overseeding rates has a dramatic effect on the speed of establishment and quality of the new sward. The research funded by DLF Trifolium Ltd, examined the effects of different overseeding rates on the speed of recovery of a heavily worn perennial ryegrass sward, (simulating an end of season winter sports pitch). Overseeding is an important part of the renovation programme for intensively used winter games pitches.

Following establishment in May 2004, the initial effects of overseeding at five different rates on live ground cover and turf quality, were assessed weekly for the first nine weeks of the trial. The longer term effects of the different overseeding rates, under simulated football wear conditions, were then assessed for a further nine months until the end of the trial in May 2005.

During the renovation of worn perennial ryegrass turf using higher seed rates dramatically increased the speed of establishment and turf quality of the sward. There was a direct relationship between seed rate and turf quality during the establishment phase. The higher seed rates markedly reduced the time required to achieve a surface that would be deemed fit for use. The density and uniformity of sward produced at the end of the establishment phase was also improved by increasing the normal seed rates.

A full version of the report or a powerpoint presentation is available with photos.

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