Greenkeeping and Sports Turf Technical Workshop Programme - N. Ireland
Organised by AllTurf Management, in partnership with the Independent Greenkeepers Association and Northstone (NI) Ltd.
Speakers: Andrew Turnbull and Martyn Jones
All sessions are being held at the Walled Garden Studio at C.A.F.R.E. Greenmount Campus, the only dedicated centre for turfgrass studies in Northern Ireland.
Purpose: to help working practitioners and managers gain practical experience and technical knowledge in highly relevant subjects, including awareness of the effects of their decisions.
Suitable for: all involved in maintaining and managing turf surfaces. The essential criteria is the willingness to learn.
Soils - a one day work shop designed to enable you to correctly select topdressing and root zone materials. Laboratory based yet practical in outcome, helping you to make the correct decisions.
· Texture/Structure
· Particle size analysis
· The magic D numbers
· Infiltration, percolation and retention of soil water
· Selection of topdressing material
· Construction rootzones
Irrigation - this two day irrigation course is available after completion of the soils workshop and is designed to help you understand the role of irrigation in surface preparation, what to specify in irrigation system design briefs, and to give you the ability to accurately assess the efficiency of your irrigation system
· Irrigation: turfgrass health and preparing playing surfaces
· Technology and design briefs
· Uniformity of coverage
· Calculation of sprinkler head spacing
· Calculation of run times
Soils: Thursday 10th April 2008
Irrigation: Tuesday March 18th & Wednesday March 19th 2008
Time: All sessions start at 9.00am and finish at 4.30pm
Soils* - £40 per person
Soils and Irrigation** - £120 per person (£40 per day)
*The Soils course can be booked independently of the Irrigation workshop and
transferred onto a future Irrigation workshop.
** Attendance of the Irrigation course is dependent on attending the Soils
workshop first.
A 10% discounts is available for two or more members of staff from the same facility attending any workshop. Please contact AllTurf Management for details.
For more information and to book a place
TEL: (028) 90 227229
MOBILE: 07900 692052