Golf Clubs (COVID-19) Update

England Golfin Health & Safety

Golf clubs, courses and facilities are now closed.

Keeping golf courses open is simply no longer compatible with the updated policy of government which is designed to save lives in a time of national emergency. Read the full statement on golf course closures here.

We would like to assure the golfing community that England Golf staff will continue to work remotely with all affiliated golfers, clubs and counties to try and minimise the damage caused by this suspension of regular golf club life.

We will continue to signpost clubs and counties to the latest government advice and schemes designed to help the economy cope with the disruption caused by coronavirus.

Business support and guidelines

In order to provide clarification for golf clubs following on from the Prime Minister's statement of 23 March, we are able to inform you of the following:

For security and essential maintenance purposes, greenkeeping staff can still attend work.

All work must be carried out in strict accordance with government guidelines on social distancing.

The Government has outlined significant support for businesses and workers, to help protect against the financial impact of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic.

Find details of the extended financial package HERE

The Sport and Recreation Alliance have FAQs for business support. Access this HERE

The GCMA, PGA, BIGGA and R&A have issued golf industry guidelines to help clubs make contingency plans for their business.

This document details how best to prepare for a health emergency and possible staffing shortages.

England Golf's Club Support Officer network is on hand to help clubs with support and advice at this time.

Find your Club Support Officer

This remains a fluid situation and advice and guidance to clubs may change according to government and expert advice.

Guidance issued at 10.00am Tuesday 24th March