Getting Personal with Tim Johnson
Tim Johnson - don't answer back, make an effort and say thank you!
Who are you? Tim Johnson, Course Manager at Penn Golf Club.
Family status? Married, with one kid, Harry.
Who's your hero and why? I don't have heroes.
What would you change about yourself? I would like to wear my heart on my sleeve a bit less.
What's your guilty pleasure? Food.
What's been the highlight of your grounds career so far? Becoming Course Manager at a young age.
What are your pet peeves? Messy sheds, stuff not being put back properly, answering back, and lack of effort (do things wrong, just don't make mistakes on purpose).
If you could go anywhere right now, where would it be? Australia.
What's the best part of your job? Leaving the club on Friday and seeing what you've set up for the weekend.
… and the worst? Coming back on Monday and seeing vandalism, or getting a project interrupted by the weather… oh, and getting told how to do my job by people who don't know how to do my job.
Do you have a lifetime ambition? Course Manager at a UK Top 100 (or top 50!).
Who would you choose to spend a romantic evening with? I can't say my dog?
If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you would do? Pay the mortgage off my sister's house.
Which three people, living or dead, would you invite to a dinner party? Ben Hogan, Dr. Alastair McKenzie and Greg Norman. I'm interested in course design, but wouldn't do it, because there are so many good practitioners out there.
Favourite record, and why? It comes and goes, but one I always listen to is 'Yellow' by Coldplay. It was played at our wedding.
If you could be anyone for a day, who would it be and why? Richard Branson. I'd like to find out how he thinks.
Do you have any bad habits? Eating.
... or any good ones? Saying 'thank you'.
Do you go to bed worrying about the next day's workload? No.
What are you reading now? 'The Practical Greenkeeper'.
What's the best advice you have ever been given? "There's nothing more important than home."
What's your favourite smell? Coffee.
What do you do in your spare time? Golf, spending time with family, walking and training for triathlon.
What's the daftest work-related question you have ever been asked? "Don't you just cut grass?"
What's your favourite piece of kit? Toro ProCore.
What three words would you use to describe yourself? Understanding, particular and helpful [his staff cough and laugh].
What talent would you like to have? I'd like to be able to draw.
What law/legislation would you like to see introduced? Ban fungicides in food production.