Getting Personal with Steve Chalk
Steve Chalk on the Maldives, David Beckham and Summer's off?
Who are you? Steve Chalk.
Family status? Girlfriend.
Who's your hero and why? David Beckham, I think he is such a cool guy.
What would you change about yourself? I am very critical about myself when working.
What's your guilty pleasure? Shopping. Even if I don't need something, I always find something to buy.
What's been the highlight of your career so far? Holding my first rugby game, which was Wigan Warriors vs Catalan Dragons.
What are your pet peeves? People walking on the pitch and slow walkers.
If you could go anywhere right now, where would it be? On holiday to the Maldives.
What's the best part of your job? Match days.
… and the worst? Divoting on your own.
Do you have a lifetime ambition? Yes, to become a Head Groundsman.
Favourite record, and why? My taste in music is so varied right from the 70s to date.
Who would you choose to spend a romantic evening with? Michelle Keegan
If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you would do? Buy a house.
If you were to describe yourself as a musical instrument, what would you be and why? A triangle…. as I like to keep things simple.
Which three people, living or dead, would you invite to a dinner party? David Beckham, Sir Alan Sugar and Piers Morgan.
If you could be anyone for a day, who would it be and why? Richard Branson so I could just live the millionaire lifestyle.
Do you have any bad habits? Yes I can be very annoying.
... or any good ones? Very tidy.
Do you go to bed worrying about the next day's workload? No. I leave work at work.
What are you reading at the moment? - Hard copy or online? Be careful what you wish for by Simon Jordan.
What's the best advice you have ever been given? Never give up.
What's your favourite smell? Fresh laundry.
What do you do in your spare time? Play golf and football.
What's the daftest work related question you have ever been asked? Do you work match days and what do you do in the summer when the team is off?
What's your favourite piece of kit? Toro Procore.
What three words would you use to describe yourself? Fun, reliable and hard working.
What talent would you like to have? Pro golfer so I could play on all the top courses in the world.