Getting personal with Martin Deans

Who are you? Martin Deans, Head Groundsman at Louth Cricket Club.
Family status? Partner to Donna and we have two children.
Who's your hero and why? My partner Donna for raising our family as she does, and my mother and late father for supporting me as they did in my beginning.
What would you change about yourself? My shoe size!
What's your guilty pleasure? Miranda
What do you drop everything for? Always the family.
What's been the highlight of your career so far? Developing the ground at Louth to its current standing.
Glass half full or half empty? Always half full.
Climate change - fact or fiction? Fact, but humans are not solely responsible.
What's your favourite season? Summer.
What are your pet peeves? Dogs and their walkers.
If you could go anywhere right now, where would it be? Always enjoy spending time with the kids along the fantastic Lincolnshire coastline.
What's the best part of your job? The lack of consistency and the element of surprise in each day.
… and the worst? The cold.
Do you have a lifetime ambition? To remain healthy and see my children prosper.
Who wouldn't you like to be? A dog owner.
Favourite record, and why? Uptown Girl by Billy Joel, first record I ever bought.
Who would you choose to spend a romantic evening with? It would be nice to have one with the misses every now and then, but two kids always tend to make this difficult.
If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you would do? All depends how much I won, small amounts invest and carry on as normal, large amounts would make this difficult, so would winning though, as I don't play it!
If you were to describe yourself as a musical instrument, what would you be and why? Drums, they're always required in a proper set up.
What's the best advice you have ever been given? Keep your knees and feet dry and your back warm.
What's your favourite smell? Fresh Grimsby fish and chips.
What do you do in your spare time? Spending time with my family and supporting Grimsby Town FC.
What's the daftest work related question you have ever been asked? How long do you cut the square for!
What's your favourite piece of kit? The Dennis cassette system mower.
What three words would you use to describe yourself? Listen and learn.
What talent would you like to have? Prediction.
What law/legislation would you like to see introduced? Dogs to be on a lead at all times in public.