Getting Personal with Dave Edmondson

Editorin People

Dave Edmondson - an overthinker with lots of advice

Family status. Married to Sarah.

Who's your hero and why? My dad. He's a fantastic role model.

What would you change about yourself? I sometimes have a tendency to overthink things and mull stuff over a little too much. This is something that I'm looking to rectify moving forwards.

What's your guilty pleasure? Chocolate and I do enjoy a pint of Guinness from time to time ... all in moderation.

What's been the highlight of your career so far? Early on: working the Vivendi Trophy in Paris. Bill Warnick, my boss at the time, was excellent and involved me through all of the process. Also, getting my R&A Scholarship; I'm very proud of this. Lastly, gaining my job here at the Island GC. I love this links site; it's very special.

What are your pet peeves? Bad manners - it costs nothing to be polite.

If you could go anywhere right now, where would it be? Somewhere warm maybe? Though the winter hasn't been too bad on that front.

What's the best part of your job? Seeing the links when we have everything in shape, but also seeing people having fun and enjoying our work.

… and the worst? Prolonged spring east winds and drought.

Do you have a lifetime ambition? Not really, I just want to be happy, healthy and have fun whilst I'm here.

Who would you choose to spend a romantic evening with? My wife Sarah ... the safe answer.

Favourite record. The Masterplan by Oasis.

If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you would do? Probably go on a round the world trip.

Which people, living or dead, would you invite to a dinner party? Being a Preston North End supporter I would say Tom Finney who was such a legend in Preston (where I'm from) and a down to earth bloke. Also, my wife Sarah; she'd go mad if I didn't invite her!

If you could be anyone for a day, who would it be and why? Amazon founder Jeff Bezos. I'd say you could have a lot of fun being one of the richest people in the world for the day.

Do you have any bad habits? I probably look into things a little too much. Sometimes it's not necessary.

... or any good ones? I'd like to think that I'm well organised.

Do you go to bed worrying about the next day's workload? I try not to these days as much as possible. I've spent too long in my life overthinking situations to be honest.

What are you reading at the moment? Drive. The surprising truth about what motivates. Daniel H.Pink.

What's the best advice you have ever been given? Travel and gain international experience. The world is a big place with plenty of golf courses in it. As a young greenkeeper: gain as much experience as you can over several different sites. Take what worked and what didn't and use it to your advantage when you get your own golf course. Experience the lifestyle, make friends and have fun whilst doing it.

What's your favourite smell? Freshly cut grass in the spring.

What's the daftest work related question you have ever been asked? When stood next to an irrigation satellite box ... "are there motion sensors that knock those sprinklers off when they picked us up walking down the fairway? Of course," I answered" ... "absolutely"!

What's your favourite piece of kit? I'm a big fan of the Toro 3550. It's changed the appearance of our aprons and surrounds.

What three words would you use to describe yourself? Driven, motivated, passionate.

What talent would you like to have? Being able to predict the future would be really interesting.

What law/legislation would you like to see introduced? Tougher sentences for criminals.

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