From potato to planet

Alice Northropin Industry News

Did you know in one teaspoon of soil there are more living things than there are people in the world?

The Soil Association have worked with Aardman (the people behind Wallace & Gromit) to produce a short film about the benefits of taking little steps to protect our soils.

The film has been launched today for World Soils Day, a day aimed to connect people with soils and raise awareness on their critical importance in our lives.

In 2002, the International Union of Soil Sciences (IUSS) proposed that the 5th December be World Soil Day, to highlight the importance of soil as a critical component of the natural system and as a vital contributer to human well-being. 2015 was also declared to be the International Year of Soils in the hope of raising awareness about the huge role soil plays in food security.

To view the video, click here.