Finale® 150 wins Best Product 2016 award

Since coming onto the market in April 2016, the product has already received unprecedented interest. So much so, that NAD (National Agrochemical Distributors) decided to enter it for the GLAS awards held at Dublin's Citywest Hotel.
"NAD sells our products, and entering Finale® 150 to the competition really shows the confidence the company has for the product," says Greg Collins (pictured) of the Bayer Turf Solutions Team.
Finale® 150, glufosinate-ammonium, has been positioned as a successor to Basta®. It's a non-selective herbicide that is effective for the control of field horsetail (Equisetum arvense) and creeping thistle (Cirsium arvense). The herbicide is also ideal for preparing fence lines, natural surfaces not intended to bear vegetation, hard surfaces and line marking.
Since its launch, Finale® 150 has had great success, especially after the recent concerns over glyphosate's future. The herbicide has proven to be particularly effective around bunker and path edges.
Greg says that winning the award has generated great interest from industry professionals with an influx of customers enquiring where to purchase the product.
"There's a lot of interest in the product already, and the Turf Solutions Team always strives to provide full sales support to distributors, as well as product and industry specific advice."