Fascinating for Groundsmen

Press Releasein Cricket

KeithExton SwalecThe Lincs Cricket Groundsmens Association begins its early spring meetings on Wednesday 16th February, with one of the most high profile groundsmen in the public spotlight at present coming to the Lindum Club in Lincoln.

Keith Exton, the Grounds Manager at the Swalec Stadium in Cardiff, has very kindly agreed to come and speak of his experiences of looking after a high profile and, at times, controversial test match venue.

He will be sharing his moment in the media circus when the 1st Ashes test of the last home series began at the Swalec and the issues that have surrounded the venue since then.

It will be a fascinating evening and one not to be missed by all those connected to the groundcare industry. The evening will start at 7.30pm and costs £5 to non members. Any further details can be obtained through Martin Deans on 07971 087891 or martindeans@btinternet.com

See link :-Lincs Cricket Latest

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