Facing pest control challenges

Alan Speddingin Chemicals & Fertilisers

Updating events from the Amenity Forum

Alan Spedding, Secretary of the Amenity Forum says, "There are certainly challenges facing all those involved in weed, pest and disease management and not just the normal ones of dealing with the UK climate.

"In terms of pesticide use, there have been further losses of product during the year raising fears amongst operators of what might be next.

"The emphasis of all involved must be on demonstrating professionalism and best practice and ensuring an integrated approach is followed making best use of all the tools available and optimising the use of pesticides required. The sector needs to ensure that everyone in it keeps updated and is fully trained and, when spraying, knows everything needed to ensure the most effective and efficient application."

In 2017, the Amenity Forum will once again be holding a series of free Updating Events at locations across the UK.

These events are half day in length and focus on short presentations covering the topics above delivered by specialists in these areas. Apart from events in each main region of England, there will also be ones in Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales. They are being held in the period late January to early April.

If you are interested in attending or know others who might be, you are advised to register your interest now by emailing Alan Spedding at Alan.Spedding@amenityforum.net He can register your interest and provide the further information required as and when available.

The dates and locations currently fixed are as follows:

amenityForum new
London 7th March
Surrey 28th March
Devon 4th April
Lincolnshire 1st February
Yorkshire 2nd March
Cheshire 14th March
Derbyshire 28th February
Wales 23rd February
Northern Ireland 9th March

Dates to be announced soon will be held in Buckinghamshire, Durham, Cambridgeshire and Scotland.