Eliet cure NHS shredding problem
Eliet cure NHS shredding problem
Press Release
If you had gone down to the woods near Sevenoaks recently, chances are you would have come across this interesting demonstration for the NHS Trust with a pair of Eliet Chipper/Shredders. Eliet dealer Godfrey's of Sevenoaks, diagnosed the woody problem and recommended the cure would be an Eliet Chipper/Shredder.
A demonstration was therefore organised in this particular theatre of operations at Oaklands House with supplier Pinnacle Power Equipment. Having both high performers on test meant the agony of choice for the NHS team with the Eliet Minor putting in a sterling performance chipping branches up to 4cm capacity powered by a 6.5 hp engine.
The Eliet Major then took centre stage and swiftly dealt with material up to 5.5cm, the power being provided by a 9hp Honda unit.
So impressed were the NHS operators by the trial they have ordered two Eliet Major models from Godfrey's. Problem solved.