Edgers supplied to War Graves Commission

Chris Bassettin Industry News

Edgers supplied to the War Graves Commission

By Chris Bassett

The high standard to which the Commonwealth War Graves Commission works is legendary. "Quality grass cover, colourful borders and an atmosphere of peacefulness is our hallmark and will be found wherever we work", said Mr Derek Parker, Director of Horticulture for the Commission.

Just how much work the CWGC do is difficult to quantify with over twenty thousand sites to look after throughout the world. "To give you some idea" said Billy Jones, who is Senior Head Gardener at Brookwood Military Cemetery, "we have just under twenty thousand linear meters of edges to cut here at Brookwood and we cut them every time we mow. This would be an impossible task to undertake if we had to do it by hand but by using the right machines we can cut the time down considerably".

And there's the rub.


"We are pleased with the Kawasaki machines" said Derek Parker, "and delighted that we will be able to maintain all our edges to our existing high standards".

Derek Parker, David Jenkins and Billy Jones with a new Kawasaki Edging Machine

For further information please contact David Jenkins onTel: 01483 200976 or e-mail: sales@djturfcare.co.uk

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