DLF & Johnsons Sports Seed Announce Competition Winners
Paul Humphreys at Concord College, Shrewsbury and Taunton School's Mark Jolliffe have been announced as the winners of the DLF/Johnsons Sports Seed ForthRoots Competition at SALTEX 2019. Having successfully answered three questions on DLF's 4Turf Tetraploid ryegrasses, they were rewarded with new innovative tools for effective on-the spot overseeding worth over £600.
DLF's John Hughes (left) presenting Paul with the ForthRoots MultiTool - Ian Barnett (2nd from right) with Mark and him team at Taunton School
Pictured receiving their prizes from their respective DLF Regional Technical Managers, John Hughes and Ian Barnett, Paul takes home the ForthRoots MultiTool and Mark the ForthRoots Ryeseeder. Designed to fit perfectly into the scars and space left following matches or training, the interchangeable tine options on the RyeSeeder and MultiTool help to create the perfect seed bed for quick recovery.