David Jenkins Turfcare appointed UK Distributor

Lance Bassettin Industry News

David Jenkins Turfcare appointed UK Distributor by Southern Green

By Lance Bassett

From 1st August 2003, Southern Green of Louisiana, USA, have appointed David Jenkins Turfcare Equipment Limited as their sole UK distributor of Soil Reliever Machines.

David Jenkins Turfcare Equipment will therefore be launching five models of the Southern Green Soil Reliever this autumn. The range will be officially introduced on the David Jenkins Turfcare stand No.V44 at Saltex in September.

The Soil Reliever is well known in the USA with its ability to effectively aerate the turf with the minimum of surface disturbance. An operator can aerify, mow and play on the surface quickly and without any discernible disturbance, or in the case of golf, loss of ball roll.

The Soil Reliever machines derive much of their working benefit from their direct punching action with a majority of the weight of the machine directly over the tines as they enter the ground. The tines are angled towards the front of the tractor and as the tractor moves forward the tines break up the compaction through the whole of the soil profile right down to the very deepest point of their stroke. (See Fig 1)


The SR54 (Right) Greens machine has a working width of 1.45m and the SR70 Sprint has aDJSoilREl2.jpg

Fig 1.

There are two Universal machines in the range, the SR48 with a working width of 1.3m and the SR72 with a working width of 1.95m. These require tractors of 20hp and 40hp respectively.

The fifth machine is the extra heavy duty SR75 Contractor which has specially been constructed for the continuous hard work which Contractors demand of their machines. The SR75 Contractor machine has a working width with just over 2m and generally speaking requires a tractor of 65hp or more.

A wide variety of tines are available for all the machines. These include both solid and hollow tines ranging from 8mm (5/16") to 25mm (1") dia. and from 150mm (6") to 350mm (16") long.

Depth adjustment is simply operated from the tractor cab by using the hydraulic link which comes as standard with the machines.

For further information please contact David Jenkins on Tel: 01483 200976 e-mail sales@djturfcare.co.uk

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