Could seaweed help keep nematodes in turf grass in check?
More and more greenkeepers are talking about problems with parasitic nematodes affecting their turf. Seaweed could provide a sustainable, novel solution for reducing plant-parasitic nematodes in turf grass.

Tamsin Williams, the PhD student working a research project to find out how seaweed could help keep nematodes in turf grass in check, is half way through research.
Without previous extended research into this subject, Royal Holloway (University of London) and ICL joined forces in 2018 for a four-year PhD research project thanks to funding from the BBSRC (Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council) and ICL. Halfway through now, we spoke to Tamsin Williams, the PhD student working on the research project to find out how it is going.
Tamsin completed her undergraduate degree in Biology at Royal
Holloway, University of London. The degree was broad, looking at
everything from biomedical sciences to field ecology. After passing
her undergraduate degree, Tamsin worked at CABI (Centre for
Agriculture and Bioscience International) as a research assistant
in the bio-pesticides division. CABI is primarily a non-profit
organization working a lot with agriculture in developing
countries, helping small subsistence farmers.
"We were trying to develop mainly fungal bio-pesticides to help
improve crop yields, for example, but also many other projects. And
to develop products that are environmentally friendly and
sustainable and could be used by small-stakeholder farmers abroad,
as well as in the UK. From that I went straight to my PhD. While I
was at CABI, I was also doing a lot of pest pathology and a bit of
Nematology (study of nematode worms). My PhD has an element of
Nematology and nematode identification which is a direct link and
this is a subject I find interesting and enjoy, which helps!"
An important research topic for the Turf
There are multiple reasons why Tamsin's PhD research is important.
"One is plant parasitic nematodes seem to be on the increase: this
could be due to environmental factors, so as we get warmer
temperatures we'll get warmer soil temperatures, and when the soil
temperature is warmer we generally get this faster cycling of the
nematode life cycle. The time between laying their eggs and
hatching will be shorter. When this occurs, you'll get these big
population booms in nematode numbers, because they're hatching a
lot quicker. Potentially we're seeing greater numbers of nematode
infections and turf damage, but also coinciding with that is that
there are virtually no available chemicals (nematicides) for
amenity turf. So, there are very few options available to control
an increasing population. We're trying to find something that
people can use, that works, whilst not harming the environment and
is sustainable."
The problem with nematodes
Nematodes are tiny microscopic parasitic worms. "They pose a
problem, because they parasitize the plants, some of them complete
part of their lifecycles inside the plants themselves, they can
hijack the plant's machinery to make it work for them (…which is
quite clever, really…)." When nematodes feed on the plant or when
they move inside the plant, they cause a lot of cell death. This
cell death will accumulate, which is when you get the visual
symptoms that you might see on the playing surface, the pitch or
golf green, where you get yellowing and turf wilting. Eventually
the plant may even die.
Tamsin: "So that is not ideal when you're trying to manage a turf
surface (or a commercial crop). There will be nematodes in the
soils of a golf green or sports field at all times, and not only
plant parasitic nematodes, there are also scavenger nematodes that
might feed on bacteria and fungi, as well as cannibalistic
nematodes, so there's a whole range of them. Plants can withstand a
bit of nematode feeding from some of the nematodes, but it's when
the numbers are too high, that you start to see the visual
symptoms. And the visual symptoms will only occur once the
nematodes have started attacking, essentially. With few products
available to use, an integrated approach utilizing cultural
practices and maintaining soil and plant health is definitely the

Seaweeds as part of sustainable integrated pest
That is where seaweeds may come into play. Seaweeds are complex.
They have evolved to survive in quite harsh and changing
conditions, cold salty sea, being up on the beach, perhaps drying
out as well. To deal with these completely different environments,
seaweeds have a range of unique complex carbohydrates and proteins.
It is thought that some of the compounds can 'kick-start' the
plant's own resistance to pest attack.
Different seaweeds extracted in different ways will contain
different components, so expect the plant response to vary. Tamsin:
"I am studying the ICL seaweed product SeaMax from Acadian. This is
an alkaline extracted Ascophylum nososum seaweed, which has already
got some impressive research published on its benefits to crops.
Since the start of the PhD in 2018, we've seen from some controlled
laboratory trials that this seaweed may be able to reduce
abundances of one type of plant-parasitic nematode, which is the
spiral nematode. But this is only when starting nematode population
density is quite high, so good results depend on nematode density
as well as nematode species."
But even if the seaweed only potentially reduces those high numbers
when there's big population booms, that would still be valuable to
the turf manager. Tamsin explains: "This effect has also been seen
in field trials, which are at their early stage. The results are
not due to any form of nematocidal effect, so the seaweed does not
kill the nematode directly, we have done a series of lab assays
checking this. So it must be affecting their populations indirectly
through some sort of plant modulation or modulating the soil
Next, Tamsin will be looking for this underlying mode of action as
well as fine tuning the field trials to try and get more dramatic
results for more nematode species. "Basically, what the seaweed may
be doing to the plant itself and the microbial ecology in the soil,
as this is ultimately how it's going to be affecting the
Executing the field experiments is a laborious task that takes
about two weeks to set up. That time is used to take initial
samples to check nematode pressure and do counts from those
samples. Then the trial itself will run for about three months.
Tamsin: "Then at the end of three months I'll take my final counts,
that means taking the samples and literally counting them one by
one under a microscope. Including everything else that I'll be
doing, it'll take me a month until I have the final nematode counts
and pop it in the statistics package so probably about four to five
months. In a year you're looking at maybe two field trials."
At the end of her four-year project, Tamsin would like to be able
to give a greenkeeper or groundsman tips when it comes to parasitic
nematode management. "I'd like to get to the end of it and say,
here's some sort of sustainable and environmentally-friendly
integrated pest management that you could use on your greens.
That's probably quite ambitious, but something along those lines!"
The outcomes of Tamsin's research will provide valuable scientific
support for ICL's further research and development in seaweed
Not a day is the same
With about half of the project to go, Tamsin still has lots to do.
As the coronavirus outbreak has hit Europe in the past weeks and
months, the university is currently closed and Tamsin works from
home. "Most of my work is now on hold, with no experiments or field
trials currently taking place, and I will not be able to continue
until after lockdown. At home my focus is primarily on a meta
analysis. Normally, my days are different all the time. Every
experiment is different, so you can have days focused on reading
published papers, days spent in the lab working on an experiment,
time looking down a microscope identifying individual nematodes or
counting mycorrhizal infection, and days in the field setting out
and running field trials, perhaps all these in a single day! Then
generally I'll be looking after things like my nematode cultures,
so constantly having to keep them in plants, refresh them, look
after them. They're like my nematode babies... As I progress, I
will need to focus more on writing and analyzing the results which
can be quite complex."
A PhD is definitely not only laboratory work and Tamsin says it has
given her the opportunity to learn new skills, invaluable to any
researcher. "Firstly, how to come up with ideas and
problem-solving. Developing presenting skills, which is an ongoing
process, and also specific skills like statistics and field trial
skills. I like the hands-on stuff, but the PhD has taught me how to
actually get behind my computer, do the maths, and work with new
programs that I hadn't worked with before."
Towards greener research
In the future, Tamsin would like to stay in science and perhaps
even research in some way, whether that is academical or
commercial. "It's good how ICL are looking to support and fund
research. As I'm aware not many other companies seem to do that. I
think it's very important to have trial work and science to back up
product claims that you are making. This gives products credibility
and an end-user confidence when selecting products to use."
"ICL are looking to fund more green technologies, so PhDs that look
at sustainable products or alternatives. There is another research
project being funded that is looking at saving water on sports
surfaces, and another that is looking at recycled phosphorus, which
is very impressive: stripping nutrients from waste water and
turning it into fertilizer. ICL is moving towards a greener
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