ClearWater – Finance options make compliance even easier!
ClearWater, by offering their competitively-priced wash system with a "self-install" option, has helped many to be legally compliant. Recent orders have seen more choosing self-install (around 65% says the company), carrying out the civils work themselves, to reduce project costs dramatically. This has enabled a number of golf clubs and others in turf maintenance to act sooner than was thought possible.
However, despite these self-install cost savings, this still leaves some striving to improve their wash-off facility and stay legal who are unable to fund the total cost immediately.
This is where ClearWater's new owners, Acumen Waste Services Ltd. have stepped in to help saying: "Credit options are now available". This will be great news to those who know their facilities are illegal and, by now being able to spread payments, can order immediately and meet their legal responsibilities of pollution prevention.
Legislation states that you are breaking the law by washing hydrocarbons (oils, grease, petrol, diesel, etc.) into the ground, leaving yourselves and the business open to prosecution or civil sanctions. All these substances are classed as Hazardous Substances and it is an offence to cause or knowingly permit discharge of such pollutants into the groundwater.
ClearWater is doing its utmost to help you to be compliant with their new three-pronged offer:
- A competitively priced full biological wash-off water recycling system,
- A cost saving "self-install" option with ClearWater carrying out commissioning; usually saves £2 - 3K on total costs!
- The offer of credit options, helping make compliance that much easier.
There's another bonus for many too: ClearWater is a Water Technology List (WTL) approved system and, as such, businesses can write off 100% of their total investment against taxable profits in the year of purchase under the ECA (Enhanced Capital Allowance) scheme; showing even further savings! (Over £3K is not untypical on an average project)
With the credit options now in ClearWater's armoury, they certainly have ticked all the boxes; enabling you to stay on the right side of the law sooner rather than later!
More details from: ClearWater Tel: 0845 600 3572 Web: