Changing the Nature of Your Greens
Have Your Say - Henry Bechelet, STRI Agronomist
Changing the Nature of Your Greens is a paper produced by STRI Agronomist for North and Eastern England, Henry Bechelet.
In his paper Henry is arguing the case for the development of finer grasses in golf greens. According to Henry, with a better understanding of the nature of the environment you, as greenkeepers, can take better control and bring improved quality to your greens. Putting surfaces will play better and be easier to manage if you allow the bents and fescues to dominate.
A detailed explanation of these views, what to consider and advice on how to develop appropriate strategies are outlined in the paper.
Do you agree with Henry or is he way off mark? Perhaps you have a question or comment about his paper.
Click here to view Changing the Nature of Your Greens.
Henry has agreed to respond to any comments and answer all questions, so Have Your Say below.
Changing the Nature of Your Greens is a paper produced by STRI Agronomist for North and Eastern England, Henry Bechelet.
In his paper Henry is arguing the case for the development of finer grasses in golf greens. According to Henry, with a better understanding of the nature of the environment you, as greenkeepers, can take better control and bring improved quality to your greens. Putting surfaces will play better and be easier to manage if you allow the bents and fescues to dominate.
A detailed explanation of these views, what to consider and advice on how to develop appropriate strategies are outlined in the paper.
Do you agree with Henry or is he way off mark? Perhaps you have a question or comment about his paper.
Click here to view Changing the Nature of Your Greens.
Henry has agreed to respond to any comments and answer all questions, so Have Your Say below.
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